It's funny to go to the most traditional and pintoresque restaurant in the city and see that the salt is from Mallorca and is labelled in Catalan.
@Auracher Restaurant
A play on words in a McDonald's add - In German, when something "sounds Greek" they say that "it sounds Spanish". Austrians probably think that Spaniards get he Spanish omelette served with chili con carne ??
Instruccions per utilitzar correctament el desinfectant al lavabo. Atenció amb la paraula "Toilettenbürstenbenutzungsanweisung", que vindria a ser alguna cosa com "instruccions per a la utilització de l'escombreta del lavabo"
Instructions for proper use of the seatcleaner. Pay special attention to the word "Toilettenbürstenbenutzungsanweisung", wich means something like "instructions of use of the toilet brush"
"Li podem recomanar un accessori: un somriure!"
"We can recommend you a nice accessory on your outfit: a smile!"
Agafes el diari i introdueixes un euro. Tan fàcil com això.
You take a newspaper and insert one euro in the small box. As easy as it sounds.
"That's a crazy table"
L'extrema cortesia del Burger King: "Fins ara. O fins més tard. Nosaltres esperem aquí fins que torni. El seu equip Burger King li dóna les gràcies"
The extremely politness of Burger King: "See you soon. Or later. We wait here until you come back"
Your Burger King Team thanks you"
Caminant, quan estiguis cansat, atura't un moment. Aquí tenim cervesa fresca i vi. Després contempla el teu voltant, que com bé saps, no et decebrà. (Tot això en una rima)
Wanderer, when you feel tired, stop for a while. Here we have fresh beer and wine. Then enjoy the landscape, you won't regret it as you certainly know!
"Cooperació" entre bicis i vianants
"Cooperation" between bikes and pedestrains
@Kufstein Inn
"Si us plau, no tan ràpid"
"Please, not so fast" - isn't it cute ?

Anunci de la "Kufsteiner Fahrradbörse" (Borsa de bicicletes)
Cada any els venedors i compradors de bicis tenen una cita a l'anomenada "Borsa de bicicletes", on es venen milers de bicis usades a preus molt econòmics.
Advertisement of the "Kufsteiner Fahrradbörse" (Bicycle flea market)
Every year, bike's sellers and buyers meet at the "Bicycle flea market", where thousands of used bikes are sold in very competitive prices.
Imatges a les parets del lavabo de dones.
Què hi deu haver al lavabo d'homes?
Random imatges found in a women's bathroom.
What may you find in men's bathroom?
@Kitzbühl; Joe's Pub (Kufstein)
Museu de l'esquí
Ski Museum
@Festung Kufstein
Sí, desgraciadament, a Àustria és legal comprar tabac al carrer. Tinc pendent escriure una entrada sobre el tabaquisme a aquest país alpí.
Yes, unfortunately, in Austria it's legal to buy cigarretes in the street. I'm thinking about writing a post about tobacco policies in this small alpine country.
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