Avui he vist una meravella de la naturalesa. És una cascada, la més alta d'Europa, i està a al Parc Nacional Hohe Tauern, al Tirol. És espectacular. M'ha encantat.
La Petra i jo hem sortit de Kufstein a les 10:30h i hem arribat allà unes dues hores més tard. Com que no volíem pagar els 8 euros per utilitzar l'autopista, hem passat per carreteres secundàries. Hi havia una infinitat de corbes però el paisatge compensava la calor i el mareig.
L'entrada al Parc val 3 euros. Després d'uns 20 minuts de caminar ens hem adonat que la cosa prometia. Un arc de Sant Martí gegantesc s'obria a banda i banda de la cascada. El temps era perfecte (uns 28 graus), i les vistes, immillorables.
Hem seguit caminant. Cada cinc minuts trobàvem
miradors des d'on es podia gaudir d'aquesta meravella. Hem arribat a
dalt de tot. Estàvem a 1460 metres. "Ostres, ja som a dalt?!" El camí
se'ns havia fet curtíssim.
La Petra i jo ho tenim claríssim: vivim en un país preciós.
Today I saw a nature wonder. It's a waterfall, the highest in Europe, and it's located at the National Park Hohe Tauern (Tirol). It's amazing. I loved it.
Petra and I left Kufstein at 10:30h and got there about two hours later. As we weren't feeling like paying to use the high-speed road we drove on secondary roads. There were thousends of curves but the landscape was definitely worth it.
The Park entrance fee is 3 euros. After 20 minutes walking we already realized that it was promising. A huge, sharp rainbow was shining along the waterfall. The weather was perfect (28 ºC) and the views were just unbeatable.
We kept on walking. Every few meters there were lookout points to enjoy that wonder. We reached the summit. We were at 1460 meters. "Wow, are we already on the top?!" Time went by too fast.
One thing is clear to Petra and me: we live in a gorgeous country.
Pell de gallina - I got goosebumps watching that |
Vistes des de la carretera - Views from the road |
Durant el camí de tornada ens hem remullat els peus al riu. - On our way back we took a break by the river |
PD: Totes les fotos estan fetes amb la fantàstica càmera de la Petra
PS: All pics were taken with Petra's great camera
This is really a fantastic story. Thank you to share with us this topic. It is really looking very nice. Thanks also Petra who took this marvelous pictures.
ResponEliminaAnd thank you for reading it :-)
EliminaThat place is amazing. And it made me think about Hum Hum waterfall in Bangladesh!
ResponEliminaEls salts d' aigua.
Les fotos també.
Quina màquina té la Petra?
Sí! Té una Nikon d'aquestes grans. Ja li preguntaré el model exacte.