Ahir al migdia vaig quedar amb en Fritz i el seu germà Felix. Havien passat uns dies de vacances a Itàlia i al viatge de tornada van parar a Kufstein. Quina alegria!!! Com no podia ser d'una altra manera, vam quedar per dinar a l'Auracher (proposta feta per en Fritz).
Ells es van atipar amb Käsespätzle i Kaiserschmarren, i jo em vaig decantar per un entrecot amb puré de patates i mongetes tendres.
La sorpresa va arribar quan en Fritz em va donar el llibre "Stateless. Diary of a spirited boy at Napho Camp" escrit pel nostre amic en comú San Saephan.
En Fritz, en San i jo ens vam conèixer a Singapur. Gràcies a ells vaig tenir la sort de conèixer Mr. Hun a Cambodja. Però bé, no em vull enrollar. En San és de Laos, però va néixer en un camp de refugiats al nord de Tailàndia. Quan era adolescent va aconseguir una beca per estudiar a Singapore Management University, i allà és on jo el vaig conèixer.
Vaig tenir una alegria immensa al veure que en Fritz em donava el llibre firmat per en San !!!
Tinc moltíssimes ganes de llegir el llibre.
Quina sort que tinc de conèixer a persones tan genials com en Fritz i en San. Tan de bo puguem estar els tres junts ben aviat !
Yesterday I met Fritz and his brother Felix for lunch. They had been in Italy for holidays and on the way back they stopped in Kufstein. It was great! As it couldn't have been different we met for lunch at Auracher (It was Fritz who suggested it). They gobbled Käsespätzle and Kaiserschmarren and I chose entrecôt with potatoes and green beans.
The surprise came when Fritz suddenly gave me the book "Stateless. Diary of a spirited boy at Napho Camp" written by our friend in common San Saephan.
Fritz, San and I met each other in Singapore. Thanks them I could luckily meet Mr. Hun in Cambodia. But well, I should stop jabbering on. San is from Laos, but he was born in a refugee camp in North of Thailand. When he was sixteen he was offered a scholarship to study at a Singaporean High School, and afterwards at Singapore Management University. And that's where I met him.
Last March, Fritz went to Singapore for holidays and he met Sanva, and there's where he got the book:)
I was reaaally reallly happy when Fritz gave me the book! I just can't wait to read it.
I feel the luckiest person on earth because I know such great people like Fritz and San. You are very inspiring and I can't wait to be with both of you again!!!
Thank you very much!
Amb dedicatòria inclosa! / Goosebumps
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