Escric ara l'entrada al blog, però va ser el 29 de març quan vam anar a Merano. Aprofitant que el pare de la Rhoda és d'allà vam anar a passar-hi el cap de setmana.
Era un divendres. Vam sortir de la feina a les 17h, ben puntuals, i vam pujar al cotxe d'en Ramón. El viatge va durar unes 3 hores i no es va fer gens llarg. Me'n recordo que feia un sol envejable pel mes de març. Com a anècdota, dir que a la frontera amb Itàlia ens va parar la policia i ens va demanar els DNI de tots. Es devia quedar al·lucinat en veure que dins del cotxe hi viatjava una grega que parlava italià i alemany perfecte, dos barcelonins i una veneçolana amb passaport italià. Ah, i el cotxe amb matrícula austríaca!
En arribar a Merano ens vam quedar bocabadats al veure la casa de la Rhoda. És rústica, enorme, i sobretot molt lluminosa. Entrava llum per tot arreu. Una casa ideal per passar-hi les vacances, vaig pensar.
Vam anar a sopar a la millor pizzeria de la ciutat. No recordo del nom del restaurant però encara se'm fa la boca aigua quan penso en la pizza que vaig menjar. Deliciosa! La massa ben toveta i els ingredients frescos.
L'endemà al matí vam anar a fer un tomb pel "mercadillo" de dissabte. Era un mercat de segona mà gegant, i hi havia, literalment, de tot. No vaig comprar res perquè ja tinc prou andròmines, però he de dir que vaig estar a punt de caure a la temptació i adquirir una tetera de l'any de la picor.
Vam anar a fer una volta per les afores. A Merano hi ha un munt de camins per fer senderisme o senzillament passejar una estona. El pare de la Rhoda, en Kuno, venia amb nosaltres. Quin bon home! Entre tots ens ho vam passar realment bé.
A la nit vam fer una d'aquestes partides de Monopoli que esdevenen eternes. Crec que estaré una bona temporada sense jugar-hi...
Diumenge va ser un dia de relax, que ja tocava. Vam anar a les termes de Merano i ens vam passar tot el dia allà. Quina sensació tan agradable, fer el mandra a la piscina i veure les muntanyes nevades al teu voltant. Hi havia piscines, banys turcs, sauna... El meu lloc preferit era una piscina exterior on, si enfonsaves el cap dins l'aigua, senties una música relaxant. Hagués pogut quedar-me hores i hores allà... I bé, de fet, és el que vaig fer :)
Entre això, els surtidors d'aigua que feien massatges i el jacuzzi vam sortir de les termes com nous. Ara noto que em falta una altra sessió de relax com aquella...
Rhoda, muchas gracias por ese fin de semana! :)
Rhoda, muchas gracias por ese fin de semana! :)
I´m writing now about our trip to Merano, but in fact it was on March 29th when we went there. Rhoda's father comes from there, so we all decided to spend the weekend there.
It was Friday. We left office at 17h o'clock and jumped into Ramon's car. The trip was about 3 hours long but time flied. I remember it was really sunny for being March. One anecdote is that on the border with Italy the police stopped us and asked for our ID documents. He got really astonished when he saw that in the car there was a girl from Greece who spoke perfect German and Italian; two guys from Barcelona and a Venezuelan with an Italian passport. Oh, and the car's plate was from Austria!
When we arrived in Merano we got stunned when we saw Rhoda's house. It has a rustic style, it's huge, gorgeous, and above all, it's a bright place. An ideal house to spend holidays, I thought.
We went dinner in the best pizzeria in town. I don't remember the restaurant's name, but I only know I still get this mouth-watering feeling when I think about the pizza I ate. Delicious! What a fluffy dough and fresh ingredients!
The day after we went for a alk on the flow market. It was a huge second-hand market where you could find, literally, everything. I didn't buy anything because I have already too many pieces of junk, but I almost succumbed to temptation and buy an antique teapot from I-don't-know its epoch.
We went for a walk throughout the outskirts of Merano. There are plenty of routes for trekking or just to enjoy the walk. Rhoda's father, Kuno, went with us. What a nice man! We had a blast all together.
During the night we played for ages Monopoly. I think I will be a looong time without playing it again...
Sunday was a rexaing day, as we had been waiting for. We went to Merano thermes and stayed there all day long. There were swimmingpools, turk baths, sauna...My favourite place was an outdoor pool where, by sinking your head in the water, you could hear some relaxing music. I could have stayed hours and hours there... And I did, indeed :-)
We went out feeling like brand new persons. Now I feel like I need another relaxing session like that one...soon!
Thanks Rhoda for the amazing weekend!! :)
Thanks Rhoda for the amazing weekend!! :)
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The Tiramisu was also great |
Group picture |
Rhoda and her dad Kuno |
Apparently it's forbidden to take pictures inside the pool... Well, the first one on the left is Ramón (as far as I remeber, hahah), and the second one its me, enjoying the massage! |