Foto del camí cap a Kiefersfelden - On the way to Kiefersfelden by bike
Ahir al matí vaig anar a Kiefersfelden a fer un Brunch amb la Gaëtane, la Fei, la Rosanna i la Isabel.
Kiefersfelden és un poble a 4,5 km de Kufstein i es troba tot just a l'altra banda de la frontera amb Alemanya.
Des de Kufstein s'hi pot arribar a peu o en bici pel lateral del riu Inn. És un recorregut pla i bonic que no representa cap dificultat. Jo ahir vaig decidir anar-hi en bici. Així feia gana pel Brunch i gaudia del bon temps. (He de dir que des de feia una setmana que plovia cada dia).
El lloc on vam anar a fer el Brunch es diu Café Glück*. Un dia vull escriure una entrada dedicada exclusivament als meus llocs preferits per fer Brunch, així que ara no m'enrollaré a parlar-ne :-)
Vam estar allà fins a quarts de dues més o menys. Després vaig tornar cap a Kufstein, però enlloc d'anar a casa directament vaig seguir amb la bici i vaig fer una volta per les muntanyes del voltant.
Que ràpid que passen els diumenges...!
Que ràpid que passen els diumenges...!
*Glück = Sort, fortuna, en alemany
Yesterday morning I went to Kiefersfelden to have Brunch with Gaëtane, Fei, Rosanna and Isabel.
Kiefersfelden is a German village 4,5 km far from Kufstein, and located right on the other side of the border between Germany and Austria.
From Kufstein you can go there on foot or by bike following the path along the Inn river. It's a nice flat intinerary and also quite beautiful. I decided to get there by bike, so I would get hungry and I could enjoy the nice weather (I must say that it had been raining during the whole week).
The place where we had Brunch is called Café Glück*. One day I'll write exclusively about my favourite places to have Brunch, so now I'm not going on any longer :-)
The place where we had Brunch is called Café Glück*. One day I'll write exclusively about my favourite places to have Brunch, so now I'm not going on any longer :-)
We stayed there until 14h more or less and thereafter I pedaled to Kufstein. Before coming back home I went out for a ride on the surrounding mountains.
What a pity that Sundays go by way too fast!
What a pity that Sundays go by way too fast!
*Glück = Luck, fortune, in German
Very nice story. I like your journey and I feel better to read this story. keep going and visit new places and also share with us. Your information really help us to know about a country, culture and the entire environment. Good Job!!!!!!!!
ResponEliminaShovon, I'm more than glad to help you know more about Austria :))) Thanks for your encouragement!
ResponEliminaPassen ràpid, però veig que són intensos i molt ben aprofitats!!!
ResponEliminaA veure si fem un brunch aviat!